Catalogue listing of all vocal pieces

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Aide-mémoire [solo voice]

comic song for solo voice and piano

Anti-Suffragist Reasons [solo vocal version]

for solo voice and piano

April is in my mistress' face

madrigal for two-part choir SS (or two vocal soloists) and piano


song-cycle for mezzo-soprano and string trio

At the round earth's imagin'd corners

song for high voice (soprano or tenor) and piano

The Best-Beloved

song for high voice (soprano or tenor) and piano

Blow blow thou winter wind

for solo voice, or for choir (flexible scoring) and piano (or guitar)

Christmas Bicinia (two-part carols)

a series of Christmas carols, melody and countermelody, for any two voices or instruments

A Christmas Round

multi-lingual round for voices, accompanied

The Cloths of Heaven

for soprano voice, oboe (or clarinet, or saxophone, or violin, or viola) and piano

Cry Mayday

children's opera

Edo Lullaby

arrangement of the traditional Japanese lullaby for two voices and string trio (or for children's choir and piano)

Espoir si cher (Fuchsia version)

Music of the Fuchsia arrangement of the Lully song for high voice and piano


classical cabaret song for (female) voice with flute, clarinet, cello, accordeon and piano

Folksongs for 3-part voices

a series of folksongs and traditional melodies arranged for three-part unaccompanied voices

For I will consider my cat Jeoffry

passacaglia for solo voice and accompaniment (string quartet, or piano, or organ)

Glad that I live am I

for solo voice, vocal duet, or choir

Good King Wenceslas

arrangement of the traditional carol for unison or two-part voices and piano


musical game, round, exercise or performance piece

He to Her - She to Him

two songs for soprano and viola d'amore

Hör ich das Liedchen klingen

song for tenor and piano

The Hypochondriac

incidental music for flutes, oboe, harpsichord, voices

I give you the end of a golden string

for four solo voices and/or choir SATB

I'm a wise and charming animal

a song from Just So: Tegumai's Tales (an opera-musical for all ages) - could be performed as a vocal solo, a vocal duet, or by a children's choir (children "of all ages"!)

It had to be you

arrangement of the Isham Jones song for soprano voice, flute and cello

It is a good thing

song for voice and piano


for unison children's choir, or solo voice, string quartet and oboe

The Last Supper [from The Christ]

for soprano, tenor and bass solo voices, accompanied by string quartet

Light Gatherer

for solo voice (tenor or soprano) and piano

The Light Walking

song-cycle for voice (tenor or soprano) and piano

Mass for Two Voices

Latin mass setting for two voices, unaccompanied


a re-written version of Handel's Messiah - a work-in-progress

But who may abide the day of His coming? (from Messyah)

for bass or alto voice and strings

How beautiful are the feet of Him (from Messyah)

for solo voice, solo instrument and accompaniment

I know that my Redeemer liveth (from Messyah)

a re-written version of Handel's aria from Messiah - starts traditionally - then changes to Gospel style...

Rejoice greatly (from Messyah)

for solo voice and accompaniment 

Thus saith the Lord (from Messyah)

for solo bass (voice) and solo cello

Monetisation [solo voice]

a short poem by Brian Bilston - for solo voice or for choir

Monteverdi - Ave maris stella

plainsong, arranged by Monteverdi, arranged by Paul Ayres for soprano voice, clarinet and piano

Moon Sister

for solo voice and accompaniment (any instrument)

Mr Noah's Packing List

for children's voices and accompaniment

Murder in the Cathedral

incidental music for organ and unison voices

Music for a While (Fuchsia version)

song for voice and piano 

Music to hear

song for high voices (two-part) and accompaniment

Nursery Rhyme Terzettini

traditional children's songs in three-part arrangements - for any instruments/voices

Nursery Rhymes for Juvenile Adults

an ongoing series of short songs and rhymes for solo voice or choir

O pray for the peace of Jerusalem [solo vocal version]

for solo alto, cello and organ

Opening Number

cabaret song (voice and piano)


short song for solo voice with any instrument(s), or for voices alone

Passwords [solo voice]

comic song for solo voice and piano


incidental music for violin, clarinet, piano and voice

Poor Fish

humorous song for voice and piano

Rejoice in the Lord alway

for soprano (or tenor) and organ

The Salutation

for solo voice (tenor or soprano) and piano

Satsumas are the Only Fruit [solo voice]

comic song for solo voice and piano

The School Boy

for high voice (soprano or tenor) and piano

The Shower

for soprano voice, flute or oboe, viola, cello

Since there's no help

for medium voice and piano

Sing Softly

for any voice and any instrument(s)

The Sun and other Stars

incidental music for solo oboe (and optional voice)

Take me to the woods

unaccompanied vocal duet (for soprano and alto, or alto and tenor) 

Take O take those lips away

for solo voice (unaccompanied)

The lusty horn

song for voice and piano

There was a naughty Boy

song for medium voice and piano

The Three Kings

for four voices (choir and/or solos)

The Three Ravens

arrangement of the English folksong for three male voices (tenor, baritone, bass)

To -

for high voice (soprano or tenor) and piano

To Music

for voice and piano

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day

arrangement of the English folk-carol for choir SAB (or unison) with piano or organ or strings

Touching all things with her alchemy

for soprano voice, clarinet and piano

Under Milk Wood

incidental music for voices

Walking Away

for solo voice (tenor and soprano) and piano

The Water of Tyne [arrangement]

arrangement of the folksong for voice and piano, or for two voices and piano

The Water of Tyne [original setting]

for high voice and piano

A Wedding Anthem

for unison voices S, or solo soprano, with organ (manuals only)

Wedding Blessing

for solo bass-baritone and piano

While shepherds watched their flocks by night [original setting]

for unison choir, or solo voice, unaccompanied

Wish You Were Here

a flexible piece for any number of players and/or singers