Hodie nobis de coelo pax
for choir SSATB and organ
- Duration 3'

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up to 25 copies for GBP35.00 or USD70.00
up to 50 copies for GBP40.00 or USD80.00
up to 100 copies for GBP45.00 or USD90.00
Hodie nobis de coelo pax vera descendit. Alleluia.
Hodie per totum mundum melliflui facti sunt coeli. Alleluia.
Hodie illuxit nobis dies redemptionis novae, reparationis antiquae, felicitatis aeternae. Alleluia.
[Today for us true peace came down from heaven. Alleluia.
Today for all the world the heavens rained sweetness. Alleluia.
Today for us hath dawned the day of our redemption, and of the restitution of ancient everlasting bliss. Alleluia.]