Rejoice in the Lord alway
for soprano (or tenor) and organ
- Duration 4'

Bible: Philippians 4, 4-7
commissioned by Brian Blandford, 2008
this piece is freely based on the anonymous 16th-century setting found in the Mulliner Book (sometimes attributed to John Redford)
available for sale from this website
each copy for GBP7.00 or USD14.00
each copy for GBP7.00 or USD14.00
Rejoyce in the Lord alway, and againe I saye, rejoyce. Let your softnes be knowen unto all men: the Lord is even at hand. Be careful for nothing: but in all praier and supplicacion let your peticions be manifest unto God, with gevyng of thankes. And the peace of God (whiche passeth all understandyng) kepe your heartes and myndes through Christe Jesu.
Philippians 4, vv 4-7
translation from 1549 Book of Common Prayer
(musical score uses modern spellings)