Entre le boeuf et l'ane gris
arrangement of the French carol for choir SAATTB
- Duration 2'

Performers of this piece include
Walbrook Girls' Choir / Tansy Castledine
St George's Hanover Square / Simon Williams
Denton Wilde Sapte Choir / Paul Ayres
City of Oxford Choir / Peter Leech
Helios Chamber Choir / Mark Sproson
up to 25 copies for GBP30.00 or USD60.00
up to 50 copies for GBP35.00 or USD70.00
up to 100 copies for GBP40.00 or USD80.00
Related works
Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris
Dort, dort, dort le petit fils,
Mille anges divins,
Mille séraphins,
Volent à l'entour de ce Dieu d'amour.
Entre les deux bras de Marie
Dort, dort, le Fruit de le Vie,
Mille anges...
Entre les roses et les lys
Dort, dort, dort le petit fils,
Mille anges...
En ce beau jour solennel
Dort, dort, dort l'Emmanuel,
Mille anges...
(traditional French carol)
Between the ox and the grey donkey
Sleeps the little son,
A thousand divine angels,
A thousand seraphim
Fly around the God of love.
In Mary's arms
Sleeps the fruit of life,
A thousand divine angels...
Between the roses and lilies,
Sleeps the little son,
A thousand divine angels...
On this blessed holy day
Sleeps the little son,
A thousand divine angels...
(translation: Paul Ayres)